Some Basic Info

I was first diagnosed with malignant brain tumors on 11-20-08 and I finished treatment for those on 4-13-09. I was recently diagnosed with a recurrence on 12-08-09. I set up this blog so people could follow along with my progress and keep up with what is going on in my treatment. I also wanted to put up information from my first go round so people could learn a little bit about what happened to me before.
The blog is set up with the newest posts first. Sometimes I will post stories from my first experience, in which casse it will be slightly out of order, but the titles will let you know. If you want to look at older posts, which may provide a better idea of the whole picture, use the "Blog Archive" tool on the right side of the page to browse them. The titles of the posts should be pretty self-explanatory. If you don't really know that much about me, or what happened, you should check out these two posts first: this one about what's happening now, and this one about my first experience.
Feel free to leave comments, it should be open to everyone now. Thanks for visiting, I hope this little blurb clears up some confusion, and I hope you like the blog.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stem Cell Rescue, Actually

I've been in the hospital too long already and I have to stay here longer. I got my stem cells back 4 days ago, but those take a little while to kick in. Currently I just feel worse and worse every day because of the high dose chemo: it keeps affecting your body for a while after you actually get it. I feel pretty lousy right now, and I'll probably feel worse before I feel better, but there are some positive aspects.
All the doctors who come see me are all satisfied with how things are going. I'm still eating (kind of), I haven't really been nauseous or thrown up (other than when they gave me my stem cells back, that was the only time I threw up) so I can keep some food down. Also, during the time I was getting the chemo called Thiotepa, I had to take a bath every six hours. The chemo is released from the body through the skin, so on top of feeling miserable, there were five days during which I had to take a bath every six hours. Needless to say, I'm glad that part's over.
I won't lie: I feel pretty horrible and I wish I didn't have to do this. There's nothing I would rather do than just go home right now.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Stem Cell Rescue (Pictures!)

I started the stem cell rescue portion of my treatment on Friday the 5 of March. This marked day minus 10 in my stem cell rescue. Currently it is day minus 5 and I have finished the first five days of chemo, which were pills called temozolomide.

That's one dose: I had to take 7 pills twice a day.

Today I start two other chemos: carboplatin, which I have had before, and thiothepa, which I have not had before. These chemos will be done by day minus 3, and day minus 2 and 1 are days of no medication and being moved into isolation.
Isolation is just a single patient room with special air filtration to keep out all chances of infection. Then on day 0 they give me back the stem cells that they had harvested previously to help jumpstart my recovery process. After that, I just have to wait for my blood levels to get to an acceptable level to be able to go home.
So far days minus 10-6 have been alright, hopefully the rest goes smoothly as well.

P.S. Sorry for the lack of links and pictures, these most recent posts have been from my phone, so it's much harder to do that kind of stuff. I do plan on posting a whole bunch of pictures as soon as I can though. (You can forget that last part now.)